Adolescence brings many pressures and life decisions as we are searching and defining our identities, We can address these with a creative mix of modalities aimed at increasing psychological flexibility.
Our Bias
The hour-glass whispers to the lion's roar
The clock-towers tell the gardens day and night,
How many errors Time has patience for,
How wrong they are in being always right.
Yet Time, however loud it chimes or deep,
However fast its falling torrent flows,
Has never put one lion off his leap
Nor shaken the assurance of a rose.
For they, it seems, care only for success:
While we choose words according to their sound
And judge a problem by its awkwardness;
And time with us was always popular.
When have we not preferred some going round
To going straight to where we are?
-W.H. Auden
can feel extremely pressured by different challenges that young adulthood presents, the need to belong socially, to perform academically, and to get along with family members and peer groups. This all can feel overwhelming and result in anxiety, and depression. Personality traits such as perfectionism, emotional rigidity, and introversion can often exacerbate the felt pressure.
We aim to address these challenges with a creative mix of different modalities aimed at increasing psychological flexibility, examine and challenge beliefs and thoughts patterns, and experiment with new skill sets and behaviors. We also help facilitate better communication with parents when needed. Underneath it all we provide an attuned, consistent, warm supportive environment, which is a fertile ground for growth and exploration.