Young Adulthood
Young Adulthood brings many pressures and life decisions as we are searching and defining our identities, We can address these with a creative mix of modalities aimed at increasing psychological flexibility.
Blue Iris
Now that I’m free to be myself,
who am I?
Can’t fly, can’t run, and see how slowly I walk
Well, I think I can read books..
“What’s that you’re doing?”
the green headed fly shouts as it buzzes past.
I close the book.
Well, I can write down words, like these, softly.
“What’s that you’re doing?”
whispers the wind, pausing
in a heap just outside the window.
Give me a little time, I say back to its staring, silver face.
It doesn’t happen all of a sudden, you know.
“Doesn’t it?” says the wind, and breaks open, releasing
distillation of blue iris.
And my heart panics not to be, as I long to be,
The empty, waiting, pure, speechless receptacle.
-Mary Oliver
Young Adulthood is an exciting and challenging period of life…
where significant transformations and changes unfold within a short period of time. Individuals are tasked with establishing more autonomous relationships with parents, creating healthy boundaries and separating as well as cultivating adult accepting relationships with family members and peers.
They are also searching and defining their identities both in terms of careers and vocations as well as understanding and developing their emotional inner landscapes and core self.
In addition, they often enter the new and uncertain arena of dating for marriage, or witness their friends entering this period of life. It is our mission to help this transition by offering a mix of curiosity, positivity and use of all of clients’ resources to achieve a sense of calm and mastery as they navigate these important life tasks.